# PIMS Vision Industrielle 2020/2021 # Victoire DE SALEON-TERRAS, Flora SILBERZAN, Martin COLLIGNON, Hugo LASSIETTE, Oscar BOUCHER, Samuel GERENTE # Under the supervision of Thierry AVIGNON and Julien VILLEMEJANE # # Institut d'Optique Graduate School (https://www.institutoptique.fr/) # LEnsE (http://lense.institutoptique.fr/) # # This application allows you to (non-exhaustive list): # - Connect to a uEye camera (through USB) # - Set the main parameters of the camera (frame rate, exposure time, colormode, AOI) # - Show the video from the camera # - Take screen shoot from the camera and save it into a file or into the clipboard # - # # This application was developed on Python 3.9.8 (require version >= 3.7 and <=3.11, use command "python --version" to # check your version) The following items need to be installed on the computer: # - the driver of the uEye camera. The easier way to install them is to install the software suite # IDS Software Studio, see https://fr.ids-imaging.com/ (free account needed for download). It contains the software # uEyeCockpit which allow to check if the camera is recognized; # - the PyQt5 library, can be installed with the command: pip install pyqt5 (https://pypi.org/project/PyQt5/) # - the Numpy library, can be installed with the command: pip install numpy (https://pypi.org/project/numpy/) # - the OpenCV library, can be installed with the command: pip install opencv-python # (https://pypi.org/project/opencv-python/) # - the PyuEye library, can be installed with the command: pip install pyueye (https://pypi.org/project/pyueye/) # # Once every things is intalled, launch "start.bat" and pray it works :) # # Please refer to the documentation of more information (not yet created...)