Created on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS - Instructions for Python and Python3 under Linux Open a Terminal: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[T] Check if Python is already installed: python -V Check if Python3 is already installed: python3 -V If there is no Python, install it: sudo apt-get install python If there is no Python3, install it: sudo apt-get install python3 Install pip for Python: sudo apt-get install python-pip Install pip for Python3: sudo apt-get install python3-pip Now install the ueye wrapper: pip install pyueye (Additional you may need some OpenCV libraries to display the image. In that case please search in the internet for guids to install OpenCV.) Move to your directory containing the Python Demo, right click and select "open in terminal". Then enter the following: python This should execute the code and give you a live-video. To access the code, simple double-left click on the .py document Address to wrapper Description + Quick Start and License: