[Version française]


In the February-March period, the DEPhI project slots are :

  • Two half-days (Wednesday mornings February 12 and 19) to prepare and anticipate.
    • A one-hour slot on Monday February 12 is devoted to presentation and advice on the “DISC” deliverable required at the end of the project.
    • A one-hour slot on Monday February 19 is devoted to presentation of life cycle analysis
  • One week, “Semaine DEPhI2”, dedicated to phase 1 of the project.

More detailed information on the process is available in the interactive presentation of DEphI projects.

Document Individuel de Suivi de Compétences – Individual skills tracking document

Each student involved in a DEPhI project is expected to draw up a “Document Individuel de Suivi de Compétences” (DISC), a first version of which is expected at the end of DEPhI 2 week.

Information on this document, a new format in the engineering curriculum, is available on the dedicated page.

DEPhI • February-March period: Prepare, anticipate, implement, document.